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Sarah's Story - The Throat Chakra

Lady singing

Camron Momyer



Do you know how powerful your words are? Sometimes, when I'm in a session with someone and the energy is really stuck, it isn't until we both shout the intention out loud that I'll "see" the energy beginning to move or transform.


Our voice is so vital to our process of creation that it can be really painful when the energy that allows you to know your truth and speak it out loud is blocked or out of alignment.


This is the story of my client Sarah.....


My client Sarah (name changed) came to me this year, eager to integrate a powerful group healing experience she had had the month prior.


She'd noticed so many improvements since then but there were still some troubling old patterns that persisted. She wanted help moving on...


Despite her forward momentum, Sarah was continuing to have episodes of intense pain in her body that would come and go and had no perceivable medical origin.


One of those areas was her neck - and that was the first place on her body that practically shouted at me for healing during our first session together.


When I asked Sarah how she felt her communication was, she admitted that until she experienced the group healing, it had been really hard for her to speak up and say what she wanted to.


While it still felt hard sometimes, she had indeed begun to shift that pattern and state her opinions out loud... but the pain was still there.


As I continued to observe the patterns of energy in Sarah's throat chakra, I could see that the energy was moving, just slowly, and when I asked for assistance from Sarah's team I began to see figure 8's of golden light spiraling through her throat almost like a Roto Rooter!


I was then guided to look down at Sarah's heart, and could tell that there was more to this story. No chakra is an island, after all! Your chakras all have to function together, and its rare that I can work on one chakra in isolation from its neighboring energy centers.


A little backstory...Sarah had grown up with a single mom who had needed to work more than full time to support them. She rarely got to spend quality, waking time with her mom.


Also, because of her own emotional baggage, mom wasn't that "available" even when she wasn't working.


As a result, Sarah learned not to ask for what she actually needed or wanted. She didn't want to be any more of a burden then she already felt herself to be.


It became evident in this session that in order to stabilize the free flow of energy through Sarah's throat, we couldn't ignore the way her heart had suffered when she was a child.


By simply acknowledging the story behind Sarah's hesitance to speak up, and by asking for a little help from her angels, Sarah was able to fully begin receiving light through her throat AND her heart.


In fact, this healing unlocked a free flow of integrated light through her ENTIRE chakra system...but that would be a whole different email!


Today Sarah gets a kick out of saying what's on her mind...even if it might shock her family a little!  


And she knows that when the neck pain returns, its her signal to pay attention. There's likely something that needs to be said...even if just to herself.



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