What People are Saying...
"I can't begin to explain how powerful your work is, Camron. I am honored to work with you. I was so tired yesterday (after our session) that I took a deep nap that revived me in ways I'd never dreamed possible. The pain in my body on the right side has subsided and I am hopeful it will continue to get better and better. A million thanks --can't wait to work with you again as well as being able to return the favor with bio-energy healing."
Molly Grove - Intuitive Life Coach and Bio-Energy Healing Practitioner
"It was an extraordinary session Camron. Walking around with this vortex in my head, taking in the energy of the cosmos while making an egg sandwich for lunch - hilarious image, I know. Visually experiencing turquoise surrounding me like endless water followed by the reverse of gorgeous magenta. I get the physics of color theory but this was way beyond....Thank you for your guidance, Camron."
Marianna DeHart - Artist
"I booked 3 sessions with Camron and feel like a new person! Camron is a very intuitive healer, an earth mama. Each of our sessions was different, depending on what energy needed to move - some releasing, some taking in - all very powerful!
Camron helped remove some generational trauma and filled my heart chakra up with love. She also guided me through a visualization which helped reconnect me with my inner child - something I’ve been trying to do on my own for years! It was immensely healing.
Camron is the real deal and I will definitely be back for more!"
Colleen B. - yoga instructor
"Ok- I have to say, you are incredible. I honestly have felt more energy moving after our session than any other session in my life. Thank you! A lighter, more joyful energy has had space to just be! With this said, can I book a next appointment?!
You are wonderful, thank you!"
Lara H. - artisan
"I highly recommend Camron's Meditation and Energy classes.
I trust her completely to help me discover my own truth by strengthening my energy and health through movement, breathing and guided meditation.
My goal is to discover my higher level wisdom in order to fully experience all that life has to offer. I feel more open, fearless and have greater clarity as a result of her classes.
She’s the intuitive expert I can trust - I could never get to this level on my own. Everyone can benefit from this experience - it’s like a gift to yourself."
Melinda P. - entreprenuer
"Camron is a true healing soul and such a wise (& effective!) guide. She's helped me through some serious transitions. Not only was she an emphathetic & understanding sounding board for my confusion, but she also helped me tap into my own intuition in a way that I've never been able to before and find my center. The result was so affirming and powerful. She helped me navigate the very difficult experience of ending a relationship and then armed me with tools to protect and cherish myself during that difficult time and in future relationships too. I am thankful for all that she does and I'd highly recommend her to those who are having difficulty making an important decision and are confused about how to tap into their own intuition. I still feel the effects of our session and love the synchronistic experiences that resulted from talking to her and seeking her help in clearing my energy fields and tapping into my personal power. She is awesome."
Amy M.
At the end of the session Camron led each student through a short personal reading; mine was of a warrior sporting a chest shield and staff and at that moment I felt a strong sense of “coming home”. It was such a serene & comforting feeling. Camron’s visual journeys lead me to a relaxed & open state of mind every time.
Frankie W.
​"Camron Momyer has been an integral part of my life the last year. Her energy work has helped me navigate a move across the country, find a new career path and build a stronger, clearer relationship with my family. For me, it has been like untangling a ball of twine... she has helped me identify and sort out all the feelings I had inside and move forward down a clearer path. I am forever grateful for her help with these issues that are "real life". She is the best."
Kate J.
​"Before I got a Reiki session from Camron I was the world's biggest skeptic about Reiki. Now I can say it was one of the most relaxed times of my life. Way better than a massage or physical therapy. Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!"
Scott Y.
"Camron, This was just amazing in every way. I loved all that you said at the beginning about our consciousness become unified, the stretching and meditation really slowed me down and was exactly what I needed, and then when you said Lion- I almost dropped my phone. I’ve been hearing about this lion for a couple years now.... A medium once told me to step into the lion during a group event. I could go on but anyways, I’ve heard the message (thank you guides!). I really resonated with dropping the sheep’s clothing, just full on goosebumps. Thank you so much for this gift, I feel like it’s part podcast, along with your intuitive guided movement, meditation, and amazing personal messages. Thank you, just what I needed. "
Dria A
"Camron was amazing! After one distance session I felt lighter and more filled with energy than I have in as long as I can remember. The recording I received later resonated on so many levels and provided me with tangible tools and next steps for continuing to work on some of the places where I'm stuck and having trouble. Months later I'm still reflecting back on her observations and putting the suggestions in to practice. Invest in this self-care - it is so worth it!"
Kristin L.
"I came to Camron out of my own curiosity about Reiki and was surprised to find the work so effective. In our busy lives, I have found it increasingly difficult to calm my mind and body. Reiki allowed room for both, and I'm happy that the work did not stop upon leaving the room. I look forward to seeing Camron again soon, and am grateful for the peace she was able to gift me through Reiki."
Amy A.
"I had very intensive jaw surgery at the beginning of the year and have been struggling with recovery and some chronic pain issues related to some back and neck problems. As I began my recovery, I started to feel the desire to learn more about my own inner peace and how it relates to my physical recovery. I wanted a deeper knowledge of myself and what I needed to become centered and calm. I had my first session with Camron in the late spring and felt instantly at ease with her. I was able to settle into myself and listen to what my body was saying. Camron would read things from my energy that I could simultaneously see in my mind. Camron had amazing insight for me on my healing, emotional journey and life in general. I felt completely grounded and at ease when I left her. I have a new perspective on where I am now and the journey I'm taking. I will continue to see Camron and highly recommend her if you have interest in taking a deeper look into yourself. "
Allison B.