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Camron Momyer

Healer  |  Teacher  |  Reiki Master  |  Energy Intuitive | Angelic Channel


As an energy intuitive, Camron receives images and messages about the health of your energetic anatomy. She can perceive how blockages, leaks, and disordered energy might be impacting your life. 


Together with you and your higher guidance, she works to shift, integrate, release and balance your chakras and your field. You walk away from a session with Camron with more clarity, more calm, and more gratitude for your own amazing journey.


Camron holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from Colorado College where she studied Christian Mysticism and spent time living with monks and nuns in Ireland. 


She later studied yoga and Vedic philosophy in India for several months where she earned the first of her yoga teaching certifications. Camron taught yoga full time in the US and abroad for ten years.


An eager student, Camron went on to earn an M.A. from Antioch University where she studied holistic systems, social change, and the connections between things. 


Camron's first encounter with energy healing was in 2003 when she met her first teacher, Christy Williams, in Moab, Utah. From the moment she started working with Christy she knew this practice would play a major role in her life.


After a little growing up, a Reiki Master Certificate from Marie Manuchehri, and mentorship from the amazing Nicole Walsh, Camron opened the doors of Soul Sourced Reiki and Intuitive Healing in 2015.  â€‹

Working with the angels and guides, she now offers distance healing sessions and group energy healing classes for clients around the world.

Why Energy Healing? 

A Message from Camron



One of the most common problems people come to me for, even if they can't quite identify and name it, is a sense of


disconnection. People feel disconnected from passion and inspiration, isolated from Spirit or God, and separated from that


deep inner knowing we call intuition.



The result of this disconnection is feelings of self doubt, confusion, and "stuckness". 



Sound familiar?


I think we ALL fall into this place from time to time. Its a painful place to be for too long.


For me, energy healing has proven time and again to be the fastest, most gentle, and most effective way to re-connect.


However, something I've learned from working with hundreds of clients since 2015, is that in reality, you can never be





Whether you feel it or not, you are an integral thread in the crazy, vast, beautiful fabric of creation.  


When you experience even a little taste of that connection through energy healing, doubt, confusion and "stuckness" give way


to clarity, self confidence, and flow.



Your birthright is connection.



And your thread is appreciated. 



Hope to meet you soon,



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