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Hello 2025

By Camron Momyer

January 2025

Welcome to 2025!

2025 is a 9 year in numerology

This means that 2025 is a year of completions! We are completing a cycle that began in 2017. So it might be interesting to look back and see what stories began for you in 2017. According to the astrologers, this won't be a simple year in terms of the external world (surprise, surprise), but our capacity to choose our point of focus will be so much easier than it used to be. This means it will be more natural for us to be able to disconnect from the chaos of the news stream and tend to our own happiness. I think we've learned a lot in the last 8 years.


Every End Marks a New Beginning

Keep in mind that any time one story wraps up, another story begins. I truly believe the story we're turning the page to is AMAZING so try and look for those beautiful new beginnings wherever you can. They may not be obvious at first.


Choose Your Channel Wisely

It feels more important than ever to be mindful of what we absorb in terms of music, entertainment and news. Choose media that informs but also uplifts you. Intentionally look for beauty as a way of saying "yes! more of this!" to the universe.


Need some inspiration? Here are three of my favorite environmental stories of 2024:


  1. RESTORING CORAL REEFS: When I was growing up, I remember learning that coral reefs couldn't be restored because they grew too slowly. Click above to see a successful reef Restoration project. Yes it can be done and it is being done.

  2. GREENING THE DESERT: Did you know that the desert is growing rapidly in Africa and China? Sandy dunes are blowing in and taking over farmland and encroaching on cities. But people have figured out how to use simple, scalable solutions to take back desertified land, even reducing local temperatures by 5-10 degrees. This one is really inspiring.

  3. REGENERATING FARMLAND WITH CATTLE:  Today, farmers are actually regenerating their degraded farmland , bringing back creeks and increasing the water table simply by grazing cattle in a specific way. Cattle isn't the bad guy it used to be but a useful tool of restoration.


     Now go forth and find the stories that make you happy to be alive.


But Don't Be An Ostrich

This being said, I'm not encouraging anyone to stick their heads in the sand when it comes to the hard stuff. Lee Harris says that these have been the years of "revelation". Meaning the dark stuff is being revealed because it needs to come to an end. Its likely that we'll get more gruesome details than we want from the likes of a few famous people and politicians doing things that they should not ever have been doing. Don't be scared by this. The world is not getting darker, its actually getting lighter.


If you find that most news upsets you, keep it high level. no need to get into the weeds and tank your frequency. I learned this the hard way when I stayed up until 2am devouring the sordid details around the crimes of a certain rapper. That one took me weeks to recover from so please know your limit.


We're Growing Up

The last 4-5 years has been a spiritual coming of age for many of us. We've been asked to do the impossible in so many ways: Watch the storm but stay in the eye of it; Stand in your truth but release your judgement; See the darkness without becoming the darkness. For me its been like walking a spiritual tight rope and I think that maybe I finally have my balance.

So bring it on 2025... I've got this.


Hang on...What if I don't got this?

If you don't got this...don't worry. Take care of your nervous system first. Retreat when you need to. None of us need to know everything. I expect this will be a fascinating year though, so try to enjoy the ride. We're lucky to be alive right now. And remember that no one else has the power to control your point of focus or the way you feel. Make your joy a priority and let your light shine.


Lots of love in 2025,





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