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So...I'm Not In Charge?

Stars In Sky

By Camron Momyer

December 4th, 2021

Lets be honest here, I'm not immune to the stresses of the times we're living in just because I teach about peace, love and unicorns.

I've been hesitant in the last six months to speak up or hold classes because sometimes I worry I'm not in the right frame of mind....

Lets put it this way -

While 2020 felt like a great adventure,

2021 has felt like an emotional spin cycle.

Every time I think the cycle has ended and I'm ready to enjoy line drying in the sun, someone hits the "heavy duty wash" button...again.

Yes, 2021 has provided a steep learning curve.

(And don't worry health and family are all good. My challenges are more global.)

Yesterday I decided to review the December classes we've done so far in search of energetic themes that might be useful for you guys.

And you know what I discovered to my great relief?

The words and energies that come through in my classes are way, way smarter than me.

Thank God.

How good it is to remember, again, that I'm not really in charge.

I've always believed this to be true with regards to my work, but the theory has never been put to the test quite like this. I'm a fairly Zen sorta gal most of the time.

As I reviewed the recordings of our meditations,

I kept thinking to myself...

"Why haven't I been listening to this all week?! This is so useful. Its almost like I'm speaking to my self."

(Luckily, I've had some incredible feedback from participants that lets me know I'm not actually just speaking to myself. Other people also find it helpful.)

This is why I'll be offering meditations every Monday in December without skipping weeks.

Yes, my motivations are selfish.

And now, just because I like to share...

here are some of the incredible themes we've covered so far this month:

-Choosing New Earth Energies

-Trusting Your Old Habits and Patterns Have Lost Their Power

-Releasing Fear

-Knowing You're Safe

-Plugging in to the "Earth Grid"

-Contributing Heart Energy to the Collective

-Processing Collective Energies through your Body as Service to the Whole

-Feeling the support of your angels

These are not "beginner" themes, my friends.

This is major stuff and I'm honored to be a part of this work with you guys.

So, from the bottom of my heart...thank you for showing up just as you are.

This is a reminder not to wait until you're "perfect" to share what you're here to share.

Thank you for your imperfection, your impatience, your rage, your sadness, your smallness, and for all your jagged edges. Bring it all.

Bring it on.

All of you is welcome.

Can't wait to see you Monday.

XO Camron

P.S. You can also feel free to bring your childlike curiosity, joy, beauty, and your wisdom...If you'd like:)


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